Horror Crash

On hearing the news my breath caught in my throat, my heart began to race and adrenaline coursed through my body. I felt grave concern for our friend as I read of her horrific accident. Yet with each word I was transported to the moments of my own horrific accident, reading the description of her…

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The Car Accident

It was the 11th of July 2008; the day was a Friday. We were taking our girls, Caitlin (8) and Brianna (4), to Melbourne for a short holiday. It was a beautiful, clear and sunny day. The girls were chatting in the back, I was having a snooze in the front passenger seat which I…

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Domestic Violence

This is something my siblings and I grew up with and we each suffer the knock on affect of this in our lives today in varying degrees. There were many, many incidences of this in our lives of varying intensity but one continues to stand out in my memory. This night I almost lost my…

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Innocence Lost

Adelaide was the first big city I had lived in. It was also the first house I had lived in for two years. I was born and raised in Bundaberg until I was 10 years old. Then my parents decided to sell our house, buy a caravan and travel around so my father could find…

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The River

Dubbo: we were living in a caravan park (I forget now what it was called). This was the place where my parents learned, from a couple who lived in the caravan next to us, about school education by correspondence. We were moving so regularly that it was difficult to keep enrolling us kids into mainstream…

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