Horror Crash
On hearing the news my breath caught in my throat, my heart began to race and adrenaline coursed through my body.
I felt grave concern for our friend as I read of her horrific accident. Yet with each word I was transported to the moments of my own horrific accident, reading the description of her trauma, as it mirrored my own.
At that moment my friend was in an induced coma. I was so afraid for her, hoping that there would be no complications and that she would wake up.
I remember the moment when I thought I was going to die. I realise how lucky I was to survive. Remembering that makes me fear for my friend even more. Will she be lucky too? God I hope so.
Not everyone has to die.
I go to the school to pick up my children. I feel so anxious and distressed and the other mothers greet me and ask me how I am. I say I am good, because I can’t bear to say my friend is in a coma it is causing me too much pain. I feel if I say it out loud my heart will literally explode.
I know we are all so happy she is alive but she has suffered multiple fractures to her pelvis, hip and leg. These are the injuries they know about. I know from my personal experiences that, with such high levels of trauma, the hospital concentrates on the most life threatening injuries, but that there will be other injuries that won’t be obvious until weeks later.
I feel that I have to tell everyone who knows my friend that this is far from over. The journey of recovery is slow, long and hard. Love and support from friends and family will be vital for her recovery — not just helpful but vital!
I found this out the hard way. We were told things would be much better in six months but it has now been 3 years and 10 months and I am still not stable.
The long term pressure this puts on a carer and, in this case, my friend’s husband, will be monumental. I want to warn them but would this be too much too soon?
She is now awake. I can now breathe easier but she is still in the Intensive Care Unit. There is still the risk of blood clots and infection. One of my biggest concerns is that she is a diabetic and her healing ability in general is seriously compromised. With a life-long struggle with ill health, to be dealt this blow is colossally unfair!
This is a beautiful woman, one who would give the world to anyone in need. Why must the good suffer?
But this is what life is: random. It is neither good nor evil, it just is. We have no control over what other people do. We all must journey through this life the best way we can.
(c) May 2012